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Just Because

Night and Day, by Lou Principe, Acrylic, 12 X16
Night and Day, Acrylic, 12 X16

Just because I am alone, it does not mean I am lonely,

Detaching from the world, me, myself, and I, only.

Cherishing the quiet, the peace and solemnity,

Finding my own self, in the tranquil serenity.

Just because I seem blind, does not mean I don't see,

Using my mind's eye, sacred vision awakens me.

People's perception differs from my view,

Knowing, accepting, what I feel is true.

Just because I seem deaf, doesn't mean I can't hear,

Words you've been mouthing, they all sound clear.

Vibrations reverberating, stronger than ever,

Echoing beyond the sounds, it sure is clever!

Just because I can't speak, doesn't mean I have no voice,

An array of emotions, I am decoding without a choice.

Emoting without words, my feelings from within,

One that can be understood, just not sure where to begin.

Give a little compassion for I may be unlike you,

With so many limitations, how to help you construe.

Like night and day, our differences may seem extreme,

For I tend to swim against the tide of a free-flowing stream.

Look beyond the weirdness, and see me as unique,

A soul in a journey that's what you shall seek.

Look beyond my flaws, my essence you shall find,

I am love; I am light, pure soul quite refined.

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